HCCA desk and review

Teachers and Academics:

Desk and Examination Copies: Academics, for desk/examination copies only please email us for information; as well as fees and forms for requesting examination copies when considering HarperCollins books for course adoption. See below for our Desk & Examination Copy Request Policy. For reading guides, activities and classroom material for young readers visit

Desk Copy Requests

Canada Only

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Examination Copy Requests

Canada Only

Not all books published by HarperCollins in the United States are available from HarperCollins Canada. Please check to make certain that HarperCollins Canada is the publisher in Canada. Examination copies can be requested by instructors who are considering a HarperCollins title for their course. There is a limit of 4 titles per instructor per year.

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Please complete our Exam Copy Request Form and fax it to us at 416-975-5223, indicating method of payment, or send it via email to [email protected]. To request an examination copy over the phone, please call our Customer Service Department at 1 800 387 0117. Please have your credit card ready, along with the information indicated on our Exam Copy Request Form. Examination copies are shipped via UPS or Canada Post. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Prices may change without notice.

Please note that our HarperCollins Christian Publishing imprints Zondervan and Thomas Nelson have their own desk and examination copy policy. 

For a desk copy of a Zondervan title, please complete our online form.

For a desk copy of a Thomas Nelson book, please complete our online form.

Library Services

Rosalyn Steele, Sales Director, Library and Academic Markets, is a proud member of the Dewey Diva and Dudes. See her recent picks here:

Adult, Fall 2020
Kids and Teens, Fall 2020

Adult, Winter 2017
Kids and Teens, Winter 2017

Adult, Fall 2016
Kids and Teens, Fall 2016

Adult, Summer 2016
Kids and Teens, Summer 2016

Adult, Winter 2016
Kids and Teens, Winter 2016

Adult, Fall 2015
Kids and Teens, Fall 2015