Featured Authors

= Author On Tour
- Willa Cather
- Robbie Cathro
- Andy Catling
- Patrick Skene Catling
- Katherine Catmull
- Beth Cato
- Ken Catran
- David Catrow
- Louis Catt
- Stan Cattermole
- Bruce Catton
- John Catucci
- Stephanie Catudal
- Mircea Catusanu
- Caroline Cauchi
- Eleanor Caudill
- Victoria Caudle
- Caught by the River
- Lorinda Bryan Cauley
- Michael Caussin
- C.P. Cavafy
- Brittany Cavallaro
- Ruben Cavazos
- Jessie Cave
- Nick Cave
- Peter Cave
- Nicolette Caven
- James Cavenaugh
- Cavendish
- Camilla Cavendish
- Philip Caveney
- Anthony Cavo
- Neil Cavuto
- Peter Cawdron
- Jc Caylen
- Pamela Cayne
- Sabine Cazassus
- Denys Cazet
- Anne Cazor
- Aldo Cazzullo
- Alex Cearns
- Nicoletta Ceccoli
- Cedric The Entertainer
- Martha Celis-Mendoza
- Kristen Cella
- Yaara Cellier
- Michelle Celmer
- Alexander Cendese
- Gabrielle Cendese
- Mike Centeno
- Centum Books Ltd
- Douglas Century
- Debbie Cenziper
- Andre Ceolin
- Joe Cepeda
- Michael Cera
- Chris Cerasi
- Marc Cerasini
- Frank Ceresi
- Matteo L. Cerilli
- Emmanuel Cerisier
- Diobelle Cerna
- Claudio Cerri
- Angela Cervantes
- J.C. Cervantes
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Adam Cesare
- Leah Cevoli
- Steph Cha
- Victor Cha
- Raghad Chaar
- Joaquin Chablé
- Michael Chabon
- Jason Chabot
- Rebecca Chace