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Resa E. Lewiss M.D. Books & Biography


RESA E LEWISS MD is a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, TEDMED speaker, TimesUp Healthcare founder, designer, entrepreneur, and award winning educator, mentor, and point-of-care ultrasound specialist. She studied at Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the NIH Howard Hughes Research Scholars Program, Harvard Emergency Medicine, and Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Roosevelt. She hosts the Visible Voices Podcast, amplifying content in the healthcare, equity, and current trends spaces. Her writing is widely published in science journals and the popular press. She has written for CNBC, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Nature, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and Slate. Her podcast has been featured in the Guardian. With co-author Adaira Landry, her debut book, MicroSkills: Small Actions, Big Impact launched in April 2024.

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