Reluctant Genius

The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell

by Charlotte Gray

On Sale: 09/27/2010

Reluctant Genius

The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell

by Charlotte Gray

On Sale: 09/27/2010


About the Book

Impeccably researched, and written with Charlotte Gray’s unerring eye for personal and historical detail, Reluctant Genius tells the story of a man very different from his public image. Most of us think of Alexander Graham Bell as a white-bearded sage, but the young Alec Bell was a passionate and wild-eyed genius, a man given to fits of brilliance and melancholy. His technologies for photophones, tetrahedrals, flying machines and hydrodomes laid the groundwork for future achievement. And he adored his wife, Mabel, a beautiful, deaf young woman from a blueblood Boston family. Gray goes where no other writer has gone, delving deeply into Bell’s personality and into his intense relationship with Mabel, whose background and temperament were a startling contrast to his own. Reluctant Genius takes us on an intimate journey into the golden age of invention and the vibrant life of a man whose work shaped our world.


Product Details

  • ISBN: 9781443403160
  • ISBN 10: 1443403164
  • Imprint: HarperCollins Publishers
  • On Sale: 09/27/2010
  • Pages: 480
  • List Price:11.99 CAD

Reluctant Genius by Charlotte Gray

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