The Allegory of Love
On Sale: 11/05/2013
The Allegory of Love
On Sale: 11/05/2013
About the Book
The Allegory of Love is a study in medieval tradition—the rise of both the sentiment called "Courtly Love" and of the allegorical method—from eleventh-century Languedoc through sixteenth-century England. C. S. Lewis devotes considerable attention to The Romance of the Rose and The Faerie Queene, and to such poets as Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, and Thomas Usk.
Critical Praise
“Scholarly, fascinating, and original.” — London Times Literary Supplement
“Out of the multitude of volumes on literary criticism there arises once or twice in a generation a truly great work. Such, I believe, is this study by Mr. C.S. Lewis.” — The Observer
“The tremendous amount of information, the brilliance of the ideas, the felicitous phrasing and always delightful style, all combine to make The Allegory of Love a really outstanding contribution to medieval studies.” — Modern Language Notes
Product Details
- ISBN: 9780062313751
- ISBN 10: 0062313754
- Imprint: HarperOne
- On Sale: 11/05/2013
- List Price:2.99 CAD
- BISAC1 : POETRY / Women Authors
- BISAC2 : ART / History / General
- BISAC3 : RELIGION / Christianity / Literature & the Arts
- BISAC4 : RELIGION / Spirituality
- BISAC5 : RELIGION / Christian Theology / Apologetics
- BISAC6 : RELIGION / Essays
- BISAC7 : RELIGION / Christianity / Anglican
- BISAC8 : RELIGION / History
- BISAC9 : RELIGION / Inspirational
- BISAC10 : RELIGION / Philosophy